Monday, June 27, 2011

Volunteer Efforts at SASIC during the Summer

Summer can be a time for volunteering; a way to accentuate your educational resume- a way to show you care about your community and the people in your city.  For two elementary students it is a chance to support those who need help.  6th Grader, Richard Dougherty and 5th Grade, Joseph Minun take time out of their busy summer to help and clean the Kenwood Senior Community Center; under the guise of SASIC’s 9th Grade Academy Leader Mrs. Lettie De La Rosa.  
I caught up with Mrs. De La Rosa and asked her about this volunteer effort.  She informed me that the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity has strived to continue a “great partnership with many of the local centers, businesses and agencies in the neighborhood.”  She went on to say, “The community center asked her to help coordinate a clean-up of the outside activity area”- the seniors who frequent the center were planning a 4th of July Celebration on the back patio/pavilion.  Mrs. De La Rosa was able to assist in the efforts with several students. She said, “It helps the students build character and helps with their community volunteer credentials on their resume.” 
The students took about an hour out of their day to make a difference in the lives of the seniors at Kenwood Senior Community Center.  The San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity facilitates many opportunities for students to volunteer their time in a variety of Community Initiatives.

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