Tuesday, June 14, 2011

SASIC Student's Tattoo Success Story

As students graduate from the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity, the only thing we as teachers and faculty hope to see is that these students continue on with their education, become successful in their career choices and continue being a positive and productive member of the community (skills and characteristics we hope we instilled here at SASIC).
One student in particular, Alex Sanchez, a fine art student has been making a name for himself even before graduating in 2011.  Alex, a tattoo artist found his niche at the early age of 16.  Coming to the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity, Alex found an artistic comrade in Art Faculty member, James Saldivar.  In the Advanced Art class, Alex was asked to work on various school projects such as branding identity, logos, and promotional materials.  “Being one of the best illustrators, he was the perfect student to take on these tasks”, James said.  However, Alex did not limit himself to these tasks, he wanted more freedom and dedicated time in art to his own sketches and drawings; working on shading techniques and tattoo flash designs for future tattoos.   Sporadically working on a portfolio of past artwork, designs and images, Alex said he never really finished it, something that could have limited his marketability as an artist.  But, James pushed him to venture out and present himself to the local tattoo businesses regardless, seeing that there was something special about him and his ability.
 His skills surpassed anchored artists in the San Antonio region. Word spread fast about Alex’s ability within the younger generation of people through the help of social media; Facebook, email, twitter, etc.  His reputation grew way before he was to graduate at the end of May 2011.
One day while investigating a job tip from another artist, Alex was out talking with tattoo businesses about employment, taking with him his only proof of artistic ability- his I-phone and all the pictures of the work he had done in the past year or so.  Immediately he was given a job offer at Texas Taboo Tattoo, securing a fulltime position as Tattoo artist, surpassing the normal venture of apprentice to full time artist.  Grounding Alex to a “shop” has not faltered his side work, still busy with colleagues and new prospects from “word-of-mouth” Alex does artwork in the wee hours of the night, leaving Texas Taboo around 10pm and often continues outside the shop nightly-working regularly until 2 or 3 am.
Look for Alex to become one of the best portrait tattoo artists in Texas, a niche he hopes to conquer as his skills gain more and more recognition.  Alex can be found at Texas Taboo Tattoos on any given day from 2 pm – 10 pm. 
Texas Taboo Tattoos
623 West Hildebrand Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78212-2123
(210) 733-7515
Alex working on a tattoo


1 comment:

  1. Alex is the best, what a bright and lighthearted student. I don't think he can start his day without a smile and we can all see where his positive attitude is taking him....straight to the top.
