Monday, June 6, 2011

Students in the Digital World

Author: Gabriel Diego Delgado

San Antonio, TX. - As students make plans for the long awaited summer break, senioritis often strikes the educational minds of those graduating high school.  However, one school has students focused and working right up the hypothetical year-end bell.  The San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity, under the guidance of 10th Grade Academy Leader, Matt Kelsey has taken on the 21st century technology applications and are applying them into the classroom curriculum.  Working in one of the school’s many computer labs, students work on academic based online portfolios; showcasing their experiences, coursework, art, music, film, and other creative expressions.
Mr. Kelsey says, “As a final project the students of the 10th Grade Academy are creating a Digital Portfolio… a Digital Portfolio is a step beyond paper portfolios adding visual enhancement (text, color, picture and video) and further highlighting students’ personalities.” Ideally, from the school’s point of view this assignment should be a “collection of student work, both academic and extracurricular, with letters of recommendation or character references saved and presented as multi-media files be it mp3, mp4, and jpeg.”   From an academic and potential employer standpoint, these portfolios are a first large leap into the technological career-world; where everything is going digital- from daily communication, telecommuting, online webinars, e-meetings, skyping conferences, to other digital based work behaviors.   The career preparation exercises and assignments like these are a great asset to the students, familiarizing them with the easily accessible web programs, applications, and websites that help them promote themselves.
Reflecting on the purpose of why these students are so eagerly engaged, Mr. Kelsey summaries, “The purpose for the portfolios is three fold. First, students are exposed to new technology and software, from Google Docs and Sites to Movie Maker, Photoshop, paint and even alternative media formats. Second is reflection. Through the creation of their portfolios students revisit old assignments, pictures and video footage of themselves in their learning environment. At its best, students are forced to reflect on how they learn and what did not work for them and why. They sift through all of their efforts and come to terms with how productive and efficient they really are. Students also begin to realize and take joy in identifying their strengths. Finally, the portfolios are purposed to aid in networking and set students apart when applying to university admissions offices and over time for future employers.”
In addition to the academic aspect, and unique to a general Facebook®, social media culture-students are also required to stop and pause; to build out a personal bio-esque essay, something most students in the 10th grade have not been required to do before.  This is a quintessential moment of inner reflection- a first glimpse to the inside out.  “Most applicants will make statements about their character, while our students will prove those attributes (i.e. that they work well in large/small groups, communicate well, seek knowledge, are problem solvers, will question, do research, orally present, engage and volunteer their time)”, says Mr. Kelsey proudly.
One of the students, Robert Skelley, a prominent fine art student has taken this opportunity to showcase his new DIY film he shot called Art=Life, where he walks you through step by step the techniques he uses to make his abstract art.  Jackson Pollack-ish, the art is a continuing experiment of different chemicals, their properties and simple manipulations.  Robert shows you everything from the initial application of paint to the canvas to his signature mouth blowing techniques into a puddle of soap, paint thinners, gel mediums and other studio art media that expand and contrast, mix, dissolve, coagulate, congeal, and harden based on their consistency and blends.  Currently, his video shows him using Floetrol™, a type of paint thinner, Mr. Clean, the household cleaner, water, and Lysol to get desired visual effects. Always looking for that new vehicle to mix in, Robert is very conscious of the potential hazards of mixing chemicals.  Although it is visually aesthetic, he remarks that what interests him most if the idea of how these mediums with react with each other-pointing out that not only is it an arts based application but a study in Chemistry; an arts-infused exercise. Robert’s high school age does not affect his grandeur life philosophy of, “Art is an overall element in life, and without it everything would be different.”  Having shown his video at the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity’s open house, Robert has gotten only positive feedback, from peers and teachers alike. Created on Google sites, Robert has chosen to privatize his site and video, allowing for a certain censored control of the website.   When asked about one thing that stands out for him in his personal evaluations, Robert says, “Innovative”.  He seems himself as a person always looking ahead and thinking creatively for solutions.  Previous to this assignment Robert said he did not have any exposure to Google Sites or Google Docs and is glad he was exposed to the free online programs, enabling him to access his own information regardless of his internet connection, computer accessibilities, and firewall deterrents.

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