Thursday, July 7, 2011

SASIC hosts programs that inform the public on importance of diet

During the San Antonio Food Bank Free Summer Meals Program at the SASIC campus, children age 1 to 18 can eat a free meal twice a day.  Included with these free meals are educational opportunities to learn healthy eating tips, proper nutrition and general well-being.  On Wednesday July 6, 2011, one such occasion enabled students and their families to learn the importance of a well-balanced diet and the healthy aspects of such. 
Mr. Gualberto De Leon, the Nutrition Educational Assistant from AgriLife Extensions-a subsidiary of Texas A&M systems and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was at the SASIC campus teaching students and members of the community about diets through a series of interactive learning and games.
Look for Mr. De Leon to be back on campus during the regular school year as well, helping students understand the importance of proper eating and the importance of healthy living.

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