Monday, September 12, 2011

Arts In Education Week

A National Spotlight for Arts Education
In July of 2010 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution designating the second week of September as “Arts in Education Week.” The resolution (H.Con.Res. 275) was proposed and introduced by Rep. Jackie Speier from California.

The resolution states: [...] Arts education, comprising a rich array of disciplines including dance, music, theatre, media arts, literature, design, and visual arts, is a core academic subject and an essential element of a complete and balanced education for all students.

Click here to view the HR275 Arts in Education Week Resolution

Congress designated Arts in Education Week to promote and showcase the immense role arts education has in producing engaged, successful, and college and career-ready students. You can read statements made by congressmen on the House floor regarding arts education HERE.
In May of 2011 arts education was again given a national spotlight with the release of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities report Reinvesting in Arts Education: Winning America's Future Through Creative Schools.

The culmination of 18 months of research, meetings with stakeholders, and site visits all over the country, this report represents an in-depth review of the current condition of arts education, including an update of the current research base about arts education outcomes, and an analysis of the challenges and opportunities in the field that have emerged over the past decade. It also includes a set of recommendations to federal, state and local policymakers.

1 comment:

  1. The students had fun on the opening day of Arts Ed Week. They really got involved. I'm excited for the rest of the week.
