Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Students attend Una Noche de La Gloria Press Preview Conference at the Museo Alameda

On August 30, 2011 two of our students attended the Press Preview Conference at the Museo Alameda for the Una Noche de La Gloria Art Festival 2011.  During this hour and a half presentation, they were able to meet and greet several of the artists participating in the festival and had the opportunity to meet LA actor Jesse Borrego, from Blood In, Blood Out and National Slam Poet Anthony Flores; in addition to several key San Antonio organizers.

Students with La Gloria Founder and San Antonio Organizer Gabriel Quintero Velasquez

Students with La Gloria Founder and San Antonio Organizer Gabriel Quintero Velasquez

SASIC students with International Artist, Jesse Trevino, Smithsonian Museum Latino Artist

SASIC students at the La Gloria Press Preview Conference at the Museo Alameda

SASIC students meeting with actor Jesse Borrego from Blood In Blood Out

SASIC students meeting with actor Jesse Borrego from Blood In Blood Out

SASIC students meeting with National Slam Poet Anthony Flores

SASIC students with SASIC Community Outreach Director Gabriel Delgado

SASIC students with actor Jesse Borrego

Friday, August 26, 2011

National Food Day Oct 24, 2011

San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity selected as local host for the National Food Day events, a national celebration of eating healthy, affordable food selections, agriculture, animal sciences and much much more.  

Gabriel Diego Delgado, Community Outreach Director for the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity is named the official San Antonio Food Day Coordinator for San Antonio by the Washington D.C. Food Day Team an affiliate of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

Join the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity as they celebrate National Food Day on October 24, 2011 with a multi-tiered day of events, booths, presentations and activities.  National Food Day 2011 is focused on reducing obesity and diet related disease by promoting healthy foods, supporting sustainable family farms and reform the subsidization of huge agribusiness, end food deserts by providing access to healthy and affordable foods, protect the environment and farm animals by reforming factory farms, and promote children’s health by curbing junk-food marketing aimed at kids. .
San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity District

National Food Day

October 24, 2011

San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity
4616 San Pedro
San Antonio, Texas 78212

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1st Free Parent Training of the 2011-2012 School Year for STARR

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR™) will replace the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), which is the criterion-referenced assessment program that has been in place since 2003. STAAR™ includes the 12 end-of-course (EOC) assessments mandated by SB 1031 in 2007 and the new grade 3–8 assessments mandated by HB 3 in 2009. The new tests will be implemented in the 2011–2012 school year. 

1st FREE Parent Training for the 2011-2012 School Year

Tuesday, September 13th
9:00 a.m. ---12:00 p.m.
Educational Service Center - Region 20
ESC-20, Building 6
1314 Hines Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78208
Spanish Interpreters will be provided, if needed.
Title of Training:
Understanding the new state assessment: STAAR & Understanding your child’s learning style
This year our students across the state of Texas will be embarking on a new state assessment called the STAAR: State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness.
 This training will give you all the information you need to know to understand the formation and design of the new assessment. Information will also be provided on how you can continue to support your child at home by understanding your child’s learning style and ways you can reinforce learning at home, which will transfer over to success in school and the STAAR assessment.
To Register:
Call Lori Williams at 210-370-5466 or email lori.williams@esc20.net
If you have any questions about this training or any other parent training, please contact Kimberly Baumgardner at 210-370-5431 or kimberly.baumgardner@esc20.net

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Students on the first day of school at the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity and the Monticello Academy.

See more pictures of our students on their first day at school on Facebook at Inquiry Creativity and look for our First Day of School picture folder with over 100 pictures.


If you are not our friend yet?.... Consider this an invitation.

Plus, see the Texas Charter Schools Association posts of our students as well on their wall.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Peter Max coloring contest

Why shouldn't one of our students or families win this contest?

PETER MAX Coloring Contest for children ages 5-18. One winner will be chosen from each of the following age groups
  • 5 to 8
  • 9 to 12
  • 13 to 18
The three winners will each receive a signed Peter Max poster, a value of $250 each and a $50 Shop Etc. Gift Card. In addition, the winners will be able to select a 501c or 503b charity of Choice to donate an additional signed poster.
Exhibit runs August 5-14. Submissions are due by 11am on Saturday, August 13 and must be submitted in person to the Russell Collection Fine Art Gallery at The Shops at La Cantera, located on Main Street next to Grimaldi's. Hours of operation are Monday-Saturday 10am to 9pm. and Sunday noon to 6pm. For more information call 888-513-8385 or email to info@russell-collection.com. Winners will be notified by phone and posters will be shipped to mailing addres on coloring sheet. Click here for coloring sheet.

TIME: Monday-Saturday: 10am - 9pm; Sunday: Noon - 6pm
CONTACT: 210.582.6255

Ads in La Prensa and Media affiliations


See Our logos and affiliations with the Back to School Expo SA

If you like Rock and Metal/Alternative

If you like Country

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For you easy listening Old school music listeners

Gearing up for Open House

Elementary Classrooms and the new furniture in the Spec.Ed. Depatment
Looking Great!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Educational Access to all the right 21st Century Tools

Educational Access to All the Right 21st Century Tools
2011 School Year at SASIC offers students Animation classes in Maya®
-Gabriel Diego Delgado
The San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity, an “arts-infused” curriculum school in San Antonio, can now boast something no other High School can- an Animation class for high school students using the industry-standard computer software Maya®.  Maya®, a 3-D computer graphics software, is used by a plethora of film and movie companies, production studios and gaming designers. Maya® boasts clients like DreamWorks Animation, Industrial Light & Magic who produced Rango and the Transformers, EA: Medal of Honor, LOOK Effects: ABC’s LOST, The Last Season, Starz Animation, The Jim Henson Company, Lucas film Ltd., Sony Pictures Imageworks and CBS Digital: Restored Effects for Star Trek TV series, and now the students of The San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity.
On Maya®’s website they state: “Whether you work in film, games, television, advertising, publishing, or graphic design, Maya® offers state-of-the-art toolsets…for pre-visualization and game prototyping, extended simulation capabilities, and improved pipeline integration.”  
Allysun de Leon, a faculty member of SASIC’s Urban Film School remarks, “If your serious about animation, and are looking for a local facility that offers it {Maya®} for free…Why wouldn’t you want to be here?”
Based on her first few weeks in Austin, Allysun confidently remarks, - “Animation will have a strong hold on the productions at The San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity's Urban Film School…students will have hands-on experience dealing in developing animation prototypes in connection with what is seen on virtually every television, film animation production…creating short animations and incorporating animations in their very own film productions.”
Starting August 22, students will be taught Maya® by Allysun de Leon and Christopher Guerra; seasoned educational veterans; well-known artists, filmmakers and musicians in their own right, they have been spending their summer taking courses at the University of Texas at Austin; enrolled in a unique accredited course with Stanford University. This intense month long session is a crash-course in the newest 2010 animation platform.  Although SASIC currently offers classes in Final Cut Pro®, Photoshop®, Pro-Tools® and many others; Maya® is now a step above and beyond. Their courses in Austin covers everything from a general Introduction to Maya® and its abilities to Character Modeling and Rigging, Animation and Visual Effects, to Texture and Lighting.
Dr. Deb De Leon, Superintendent of the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity says, “My dream is to give our students access to a program where they can make their own video games, and now they can!” With Video Companies like AE and their signature game Medal of Honor, Maya® has made a huge impact in the gaming world.  Dr. De Leon, comments on the intense nature of the animation program and hopes by offering this kind of experience to students at such an early stage in their professional career, they will have an artistic edge on any of the competition- whether it is in  creative industries or the collegiate level.
Using almost a dozen Apple™ I-Macs set up in a newly renovated Art Room, SASIC’s Maya® Animation class is geared to hold up to 10 students at a time; with teacher led hands-on instruction. “A more advanced art class, Maya® is only for the more dedicated art, film, music, or video students”, says Allysun de Leon. She continues by saying. “It will be very intense and exciting, but also very rewarding”. 
With an introduction to Maya®, students will learn basic animation, modeling, simulation, visual effects, rendering, and compositing. With colleges like the acclaimed Full Sail University, students taking the SASIC’s course will inevitably find an easy transition into Art Schools and Colleges with animation programs and degrees. 
Allysun is quick to say, “For years I have noticed students with artistic aspirations limited technologically to Photoshop and other nominal animation programs that stifle their mode of creation. Students need opportunity not to just look at what other professionals have created, but have the opportunity to know and explore their own artistic abilities… so others can look at their unstoppable ability to create the same level as professionals with the availability of Maya 3D program.”
Although considered by most to be a film and movie program, Maya®’s versatility offers itself to a variety of media; including gaming, graphic design, architectural, and fine art.  Mr. Guerra, the Music Production instructor at the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity, is involved in the acquisition of this program into the school for its musical and sound attributes.  He sees a connection to this program and the cross-over students can achieve through audio as they work with the program to sound score their own movies, films, and gaming.  Chris says, “Sound is what makes a successful film or game; without sound, the whole experience is lost, and students need to know how and why music and sound will play a role in the projects they create.”  In the past, students enrolled in the Music Production courses at SASIC were granted the opportunities to sound score films done by other students enrolled in Film and Film Production within the Urban Film School. This partnership and meshed departmental curriculum is unique in itself, but with Maya® , a student’s creative vision can now cross over into all aspects of the school’s artistic curriculum.  
With the San Antonio School for Inquiry and Creativity building its arsenal of industry-standard equipment; already student equipped with the same HD video cameras used to film parts of Avitar, its own in-house Music Recording Studio, HD Movie editing software like Pro-Tools and I Motion, and one of the largest Sprung Dance floors in Central Texas, their reputation will soon precede them.